Trademark Your Name in 2 Steps
Let us help you get started with your trademark, name, logo, or slogan. Make sure you’re not wasting your time and money applying for a trademark that’s already taken. We’ll have your trademark search results ready within 2 days.

We offer full federal and state searches across the USA in all 50 states.
Our specialized paralegal and attorney team will prepare and file your application.
Why Trademarks, Etc.?
Our comprehensive federal and state trademark search of $209 is the most competitive in the industry.
Don’t be fooled by some companies that offer $99 filings and services that can be completed in the same day. A thorough trademark search is very important and trademark applications should not be prepared quickly.
With Trademarks, Etc. all applications are prepared by our paralegal and then reviewed and finalized by our contracted attorney who has over 15 years of expertise in this area.

How We Started
“Show Me the Money!”
Many years ago our founder, Haig Fisher who lives in Santa Barbara, had been down on his luck personally and financially when he had an idea that turned everything around. A single thought changed his entire life.
It was in December 1996 when Fisher went to see the movie, “Jerry Maguire.” During the telephone scene when Tom Cruise and Cuba Gooding, Jr. were yelling “Show Me The Money” at each other, it quickly dawned on Fisher that this could become a very big catch phrase. He realized that “Show Me The Money” might soon be something uttered by millions of people across the nation, similar to the way the Wendy’s hamburger chain’s phrase “Where’s The Beef” took the nation by storm in 1984.
Without any delay Fisher literally ran out of the theater to trademark the phrase “Show Me The Money.”