Latest Trademark Happenings of Interest in April 2020

A deep dive into the Tiger King trademark lawsuits
True crime documentary miniseries Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness has become a global phenomenon, watched by more than 34 million viewers in the first 10 days of its release on Netflix. Happily for IP professionals, one of the subplots revolved around a trademark and copyright conflict.
‘EEEEEEEYOOOOOO’: Lawyers Worked 18 Months to Get Pitbull That Trademark
The entertainer joined an exclusive club, with the likes of “60 Minutes” and its distinctive clock ticking, and MGM, with its powerful lion’s roar.
Your Color-Based Product Packaging Mark Might Be Protectable Trade Dress
Trade dress, which includes the total look of a product (size, shape, color) is registrable as a trademark if, like a trademark, it identifies the source of a product. Thanks to a recent decision, In re Forney Industries Inc., Appeal No. 2019-1073, by the US Federal Circuit Court of Appeals (Federal Circuit), it may now be easier for businesses to obtain federal trademark registration for some color-based product packaging trade dress.
Do you have a name, logo, or slogan that you want to trademark?
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