What are the risks of not having a trademark?
Many people wonder whether it’s worth going through the process of trademarking your business name, logo, or slogan. While you can technically operate your business without one, it is highly recommended that you do so to protect the investments you’ve made in your business. While you work to promote your brand through marketing and years of service, you can have your business name swiped out from under you in an instant if you don’t protect it with a trademark.
If someone registers a trademark using your name that isn’t trademarked, they have the right to demand that you cease and desist use of the trademarked business name, logo, or slogan. This can be costly in both time and money for the person who has to change their business name, bank accounts, website urls, etc and rebrand as something new to not violate the new business’s trademark.
Often these trademarks are filed innocently, without knowledge of your business having the same name, especially if you haven’t trademarked it for them to find in the registry. The only way that you can truly ensure that no one can take your name is by trademarking it.
It’s never too late to get a trademark!
If you’ve been in business for a while you can and should still register your trademark. Let us help! Use the Get Started page to fill out an application.